Hello! I'm

Khusharth Patani

frontend engineer

About me

A frontend engineer trying to master rasengan @smallcase

I am a quick learner and always curious to learn about new technologies. I enjoy the process of creating beautiful websites from designing to deploying them in the end.

Whenever I am not coding I spend my time drawing and sketching different anime characters.

nextjsReact icon ReactJavaScript icon javascriptRedux icon ReduxWebpack icon webpackSass icon sassCSS3 icon css3HTML5 icon html5Git icon gitLinux icon linux



A web app to view a github's user profile in a more simple and beautiful way. User can visualise their github data in form of charts, a timeline view and can also see their recent activities.

React icon reactstyled-components icon styled-componentsDeezer icon chart-js


A web application where you can search for music, listen to a preview of it and also find its lyrics. You can also like songs which will be saved in your local storage.

HTML5 icon html5Sass icon sassJavaScript icon javascriptWebpack icon webpack


A simple memory card game built with React Js which has three different themes to choose from (Robots, Pokemon and Dogs). A user is given 100 sec in which they need to find 8 pairs.

React icon reactSass icon sassReact icon react-icons
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Made with ❤ by Khusharth Patani